Book Club – Salt

Where: 188 Orchard St, Hotchkiss (northwest corner of 2nd and Orchard)
When: Feb 18, 6PM

salt-world-histThe author of five nonfiction books, Mark Kurlansky turns his attention to a common household item with a long and intriguing history: salt. The only rock we eat, salt has shaped civilization from the very beginning, and its story is a glittering, often surprising part of the history of humankind. A substance so valuable it served as currency, salt has influenced the establishment of trade routes and cities, provoked and financed wars, secured empires, and inspired revolutions. Populated by colorful characters and filled with an unending series of fascinating details, Salt by Mark Kurlansky is a supremely entertaining, multi-layered masterpiece.

Check the libraries for the book; also available at the iBook store and Kindle.

This will be a potluck, so try to bring something not too salty!

And remember, you don’t have to be a Slow Food member to participate in our book club meetings—you don’t even have to read the book! Just come on down and enjoy the conversations. Everyone is welcome.

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